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Hands4Hope - Youth Making A Difference
Education program
School Clubs and After-School Committees
Hands4Hope’s Education Program uses service-learning, an approach to teaching and learning that couples academic and civic knowledge together to address genuine community needs in real time. Through the Education Program youth can participate in an on-campus club, or join an after-school project committee. Using a combination of Exploration, Action and Leadership youth investigate the needs in the local community then design, implement and evaluate their service-learning projects while inspiring others to get involved in community issues.
Strength-based leadership is the backbone of our Education Program. Through self awareness and empowerment youth learn how to use their voice to affect change in their own community and lead their peers to do the same. We recognize youth as decision-making partners and teach them how to be civic minded and socially responsible. Side-by-side youth leaders and adult mentors work to inspire program participants to individually grow and develop their civic engagement skills.
The goals for the Education Program are: to create awareness of community needs; inspire compassion that leads toward meaningful action; offer opportunities for leadership and personal development; and build life skills such as communication, collaboration, problem solving, and budget management.
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