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resource closets

El Dorado high School
hands4hope club Project 2024-25

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The El Dorado High School Hands4Hope Club voted to help maintain school resource closets at three local high schools: El Dorado High School, Union Mine High School, and Ponderosa High School. At these resource closets, students can easily and discretely access food items, toiletries and clothing that they need. In particular, there is a need for specific toiletry donations. 


Our goal is to contribute 175 items to this cause. Donations will help us purchase needed toiletries.




"essentials express" toiletries drive
March 11-25

We will have bins on campus to collect specific toiletry donations from March 11-25. We are accepting donations of:

Full size shampoo and conditioner

Body wash




Hair brushes


Toilet paper

neighborhood food drivE

We held a food drive in November that collected $827 worth of food items to contribute to these resource closets.

chipotle dine out fundraiser

We organized a Chipotle Dine-Out Fundraiser that brought in $92 that we will use toward our project goals.

Sorting Food.jpg
project upates

Thank you for your support

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