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Hands4Hope - Youth Making A Difference
information and links
Club Meeting Location
Folsom HS Room A-106
2nd & 4th Wednesday of each month
leadership 2024-2025

From right to left--
President- Mia George
Vice President- Adi Laufer
Secretary- Selene Germanelo
Treasurer- Timothy Ojima
PR Coordinator-

Folsom High School
Club projects

Friendship Inclusion
Folsom High School students in special education program
The FHS Hands4Hope Club voted to reach out this year and support youth with special needs...right on their own campus they were able to team up with the special ed department and originally planned a Valentine's Day Dance. Lingering Covid restrictions shut that down and the club readjusted and made Valentine's Grams and hosted a March Spring Fling. Including teens from both general and special education, the group had blast at the Spring Fling eating food donated generously by Sacramento Sourdough & Co, dancing and playing games!
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