Folsom High School
spring Drive
Hart of Folsom
Project overview
Our Hands4Hope Club at Folsom High is working with Hart of Folsom to collect warm socks for men, women and children who are experiencing homelessness in our community. Hart of Folsom is a non-profit community based volunteer organization. The goal Hart of Folsom is to assist volunteers in using their time and talents to give those experiencing homelessness time to improve their lives toward self-sufficiency and greater independence. We decided to host a sock drive because those who are experiencing homelessness are often in need of this basic item that brings comfort. These items will assist the volunteers as they build relationships with clients, help as mentors and connect struggling people with resources, employment and low cost housing.
APRIL 18th - May 1st, 2021
Drop off locations for items include:
Century 21 Select Real Estate 2505 East Bidwell
(Mon - Fri, 8am - 5pm)
Folsom High School Office 1655 Iron Pt. Rd
(Mon - Fri, 7:30am - 3:30pm)
PROJECT UPDATE: Thank you for helping us pass our goal and collect over 275 pairs of warm socks for people experiencing homelessness in Folsom!