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Hands4Hope - Youth Making A Difference
Pleasant Grove middle
Project Update
Pleasant Grove Hands4Hope Club has been hard at work creating their "Purr"fect Project, a donation drive of cat food and toys to benefit Fat Kitty City!

Join us
Hands4Hope - Youth Making A Difference is forming a new on-campus Hands4Hope Club at Pleasant Grove Middle School! This Club is an opportunity for youth to experience a full year of a unique service-learning curriculum that positions youth as the lead decision makers, deepening their understanding of the needs of our communities, and empowering them to take direct action in their own way.
information and links
Club Meeting Location
Teacher Advisor
Lauren Todoroff

President: Adisyn Merrill
Vice President: Kayla Roberts
Treasurer: Marshall Warner
Secretary: Open
Public Relations: Open
Pleasant Grove Middle School
Club projects
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