Hands4Hope - Youth Making A Difference
Del Lago

Our Vista High School Hands4Hope Club is working with Wind Youth Services to raise funds for much needed tents and tarps for teens facing homelessness.
To raise funds for this cause, the Club hosted Valentine Bear Grams in February, and is planning a dine-out fundraiser at Sacramento Pizza Company on April 3. Unfortunately, the Family Fun Night fundraiser planned for April 26 has been canceled.
information and links
Club Meeting Location
Mr. Woodward's Room K101
2nd & 4th Thurs
Flextime 11:26 am - 12:02 pm
Teacher Advisor
Mr. Woodward
President- Sarah Jeon
Vice President- Hyemin Kim
Secretary- Tania Thomas
Treasurer- Leena Moore
PR Coordinator- Ksusha Bond

Club projects
Vista Del Lago

2021-22 Teen Gift Item Drive
Shriners Hospital of Northern California
Make someone's summer special was a theme dreamed up after the club heard there are teens in long term medical care at Shriner's Hospital in Sacramento. Donations for children's toys are plentiful during the holidays but scarce in the summer months for teens. Challenged to consider, "What would encourage you as a teen if you were in the hospital for week's at a time?" the club participants are hosting a drive April 25 - May 9, 2022 for teen gifts and care items through a competition among the Vista advisory classes!
To donate items, gift cards or funds contact Nivi at youthintern.Nivi@hands4hopeyouth.org.